Για Αύριο, Γιάννης Αντάμης

by Automon

Books & Reference


For Tomorrow, QuotesJohn AdamsVolos, June 2014Publications Dreamtigers http://www.automon.gr/2014/07/AntamhsGiannhs13.html This book is a short first year of my Masters through some of the work I did as part of courses.The title has to do with the expression used by almost sadistic teacher Mr. Kotopoulos before the pronunciation of each exercise and which, every time I heard it at the beginning, really bothered me much, and I liked it unbearably simultaneously.Maybe because it reminded me that tomorrow will eventually come, but that we should do something and I to arrive at this palioafrio ... John Adams was born in 1975 in Volos.He studied at the University of Athens, among others, works as a lawyer.He is the author of the books: "Prigkipodouleies" (Acute, 2006), "Project Terror" (Acute, 2007) and "When Daemon Self" (Place, 2008).His latest novel, "Legion," NOT available from any publisher.In collaboration with the group dreamtigers regularly publish blog onemansland.blogspot.com texts and photos. [email protected]://www.facebook.com/yannis.adamishttp://www.twitter.com/yannisadamis Technical Support:Marios Arseniouhttp://think-about-marios.musicafe.eu Text Entry Application Android:Alcmene Giampanidoualkmini.apps @ gmail.com  Publications Dreamtigers:http://www.dreamtigers.gr Distributed freely-licensed Creative Commons:Report Creator - Noncommercial - Share Alike - 3.0 - Greecehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/gr/  ----------------------------------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://[email protected]://www.facebook.com/Automonhttp://www.facebook.com/AutomonAndroidhttps://plus.google.com/+AntonisPanorishttps://plus.google.com/+AutomonGr Android Apps by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-apps Android Books by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-books Android Games by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-games